Dog walking should incur danger money

A few days a go, before I went to work in the morning, I was walking Maisie, the dog I’m currently looking after. She’s a lovely dog and an easy one to deal with, but she has a habit of wandering about from side to side when she’s on the lead. This particular morning, for no reason at all, she just stopped dead in front of me and I fell right over her, sprawling full length on the rough tarmac pavement. Thank goodness it was only 7am and there was no-one around to see what an idiot I’d just made of myself!
It was only when I got back to the house that I realised what a mess I was in. I’d banged my left knee which was beginning to swell and feel very sore, and scraped the skin off the palms of both hands, and though my left hand wasn’t too bad the large patch of skin on my right palm had been peeled off as if someone had used a tin opener on it, and I was bleeding like a stuck pig. Unable to find anything in the way of a first aid kit I pressed some tissue against it and managed to drive to work where I raided the first aid box there for an elastoplast and a thin latex glove to protect it while I worked. The elastoplast didn’t last long though, the constant movement of my hand ensured that it soon came off, but with the bleeding stopped I decided to leave the wound open – as long as I didn’t get any chemicals in it it would be okay, and having my hands frequently in water would make sure it stayed clean.
It was later that evening that the bang on my knee took effect. While I’d been working and walking about I’d been okay but after an hour or so sitting in front of the pc my knee seized up and I could hardly walk. Thank goodness for the local Asda, open 24/7 and with a pharmacy where I managed to get a support bandage which ensured that my knee didn’t seize up again overnight.
I wore the bandage for three days before the swelling went down and the soreness had almost disappeared; the hand is taking longer to heal but it’s getting there slowly, though I have to remember not to grip anything too tightly yet as it still hurts. And I now walk Maisie on an extending lead – if she stops dead in front of me again at any time at least she won’t be close enough for me to fall over her!

10 thoughts on “Dog walking should incur danger money

  1. Well I’m glad something finally worked lol.

    This is being a bit of a steep learning curve for me at the moment, WordPress is completely different to Blogger and I’m having trouble getting my head round it. I’ve been trying for over half an hour to add the ‘follow’ option but even though I went on the help page it didn’t really help and whatever I do I still can’t add it. Oh well, I’ll keep trying…


  2. Your new blog is great Eunice, well done.
    So sorry to hear you were left in a mess following your fall. What are we like eh, I managed to fall at the castle in full view of hordes of people. At least you were spared the indignity of that. I hope Maisie is more thoughtful on future walks and I hope your hand hurries up and gets better soon. Do keep your hands away from cleaning chemicals, don’t forget!


    1. Glad you like it so far Eileen, I’m looking forward to developing it more in the coming weeks and months. I’ll certainly be adding photos, though only one or two if they are appropriate to the subject, and definitely nowhere near as many as I put on my other blog.

      My hand is healing up gradually, and yes, I’m managing to keep it away from any cleaning chemicals – if I got bleach in it that would certainly sting a bit! lol


  3. Congrats on your new blog. Rather you than me messing around with WordPress – I know WP fans say they have more choice with layouts and themes but it all looks extremely hard work to me:). Comment following with WP is much harder than with Blogger.

    Sorry you went flying over Maisie, very lucky you didn’t break a wrist or anything worse. Get well soon.


    1. Thanks Jayne. To be honest I have been finding WP hard work, I’ve been messing about with it since Friday evening and only today got it something like how I want it. I think you only get more choice of themes and layout if you upgrade and pay for the different levels and features but I’m keeping mine as simple as I can for now – I can’t be doing with anything too complicated! lol


  4. Hi eunice, I’m new to (both) your blogs, in fact I’m pretty new to the blogging thing altogether. I created a wordpress account so that it would accept my comments but have not yet made any attempt to actually blog. I confess I’m not great at IT. I’m a keen walker and doglover/animal lover and live in W Yorkshire. Your photos are good. Maybe I should take my camera out and about with me. I LOVE canals. Just do that’s all. I’m looking forward to getting your future blogs,


    1. Hi Heather, thank you for the comment and for following my blog. I really get the canal thing, I love them, and boats and water feature a lot in my photos. Several years ago my then partner and I bought an old canal cruiser with the intention of completely refurbishing it and using it for holidays and weekends but sadly we split up before it was finished and I had to sell it. A very scenic section of the Leeds/Liverpool canal is only a fifteen minute drive from me and I very often take the dogs for a walk along the towpath when it’s a sunny day. If you have a camera then do take it out with you, it’s often surprising what you find that’s worth a shot or two.


  5. Wowza! That’s a lesson learned. Hope your knee has no memory of this adventure. I like your title, by the way. I’m glad you told me about your new blog, Eunice. I haven’t visited your other blog in quite awhile. Hope to drop by there sooner than later.


  6. Thanks for stopping by Susie, I’m glad you like the blog title 🙂

    Actually, if knees have memories then mine does remember my fall and the bang it got as it’s still sore if I kneel on it the wrong way. No doubt it’ll work itself right in time though so I’m not worried about it.

    I’ve recently written three posts about my Ireland trip on my other blog, more light hearted and with a few photos if you want to have a read 🙂


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