Progress at long last

After months of being passed from one hospital department to another and back again without the problem of his broken ankle being resolved, and presumably because three weeks ago he said he wanted to make an official complaint, today Michael finally got to see the specialist he should have seen over four months ago. After looking at his case notes and then looking at his ankle this guy said just one word – ‘operation’. Apparently he has ligament damage as well as the ‘floating’ bone so there’s more than one problem which needs to be fixed and only an operation can do it – he’s been put on the ’emergency list’ for this to be done as soon as possible and has been told that it should be within five to seven days or possibly even sooner.
After seeing the specialist he had to see another doctor and some blood samples were taken; he’s not sure yet if his ankle will be pinned or will have a plate put in but whichever option is taken he’ll be in plaster for about six weeks afterwards. Obviously as neither of us are doctors ourselves we’re only surmising but we can’t help thinking that if his ankle had been put in plaster when he first broke it he wouldn’t now need to have this operation and he would have been back at work long ago, however for the moment we’re just glad that he’s finally, at long last, been seen by the right specialist and a proper treatment plan is in place – fingers crossed that he gets the operation within the next few days and we can hopefully see a light at the end of the tunnel.

14 thoughts on “Progress at long last

  1. I’m glad he seems to be getting somewhere positive at last. Maybe this is the ideal solution and other earlier might-have-beens would not have worked out for the best. Fingers crossed!


    1. Thank you. It’s over six months since he first broke the ankle and he’s had several x-rays and scans in that time so we’re hoping that this is now the beginning of the end.


  2. Well it didn’t exactly inspire us with confidence in the medical profession when the first specialist he saw months back normally dealt with collar bones and shoulders! I’m sure someone probably could write a book about various medical sagas, that’s if one hasn’t already been written of course πŸ™‚


  3. That’s great news and if Michael hasn’t heard after 7 days get on the phone pronto! Hopefully now he will be back at work in a couple of months time.

    Martyn has his own saga he could tell and when he was put on an emergency list he was operated on within a week. However similar to Michael’s tale, Martyn was on a priority list and was still on it after six months hence the need for the emergency list, that’s all I’m sayin”. I do have an understanding of the frustrations you are feeling.


  4. We would both like to think that he’ll be back in work sooner rather than later but somehow I don’t think so. He’ll be in plaster for six weeks after the op, and I can imagine he’ll need physiotherapy afterwards so it could be a bit more than a couple of months before he goes back, we’ll just have to see how things go.


    1. Do hope you don’t get caught up in this ‘cancel elective surgery’ situation – although with your threat of a proper complaint, it is probable that Michael will stay on the lists.


  5. It IS ridiculous that this has gone on for so long, so I really hope this does finally fix the problem. Of course, there is a very quick way of fixing it (as I told Michael) – just chop the whole foot off and be done with it! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


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